Friday, 2 April 2010

Easter activities at Longdown Activity Farm

Easter is normally a busy time for us at the farm, so to ensure that everyone gets a turn, we have stocked up our animal barns.

20 new calves mostly black and white friesians and just a few Belgian Blues, all really keen to drink from the bottles, bearing in mind that each of these calves drink between 5 and 6 litres a day, it means there is plenty to go around for all our visitors, yes that means mums and dads as well.

The goat shed is well stocked with over 100 goat kids eager to be fed, these little fellas drink a litre of milk each day, however on busy days we feed them half bottles and the older goats are allowed extra, so that gives everybody a chance to join in the fun,this activity is still one of the favourites.

Due to the strange weather conditions that we are experiencing, some of the animals are finding it hard to adjust, the ewes are still housed after having their lambs as it is still too wet and cold to put them out into the fields, the chicken stay in their houses during the day as they hate the rain more than the goats, who only venture outside in the sunshine.

Billy our Shire looks quite a state when he comes in from the paddocks in the mornings it looks a s though he has had a mud bath, once back in his stable he is happy to tuck into his breakfast and wait for the first visitor to give him a mint.

Kerry cow is producing so much milk that we have given her another calf to feed, now she is not particularly happy about looking after another one but at least it saves me having to milk her twice a day to remove the surplus milk.

Our pony rides we start again during the holidays. subject to ground conditions, as it would be extremely dangerous to attempt rides if the ponies slip and slide causing the young riders to fall off.

Well lets hope that the sun shines and the old tractor can start jogging around the field again soon.

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