Saturday, 25 August 2012


After months of preparation, we set up our “mini farm” at the New Forest Showground—truck loads of hurdles and equipment, straw and feed then finally the animals. It took seven of us four days to set it up—with me changing my mind every few minutes, however it was well worth all the effort. By the time the gates opened on the Tuesday, we were happy with what we had achieved. We had been sworn to secrecy about our “special guests” months beforehand. Several security briefings, dress code, correct procedure and I was told not to give a farmer’s embrace when shaking Her Majesty The Queen’s hand. No need to bow as this is not a formal occasion, no new dress and hat for Dawn as The Queen wanted to see us at work! (Phew, that saved me a fortune!). There seemed quite a lot of concern on how I would greet her, with one Buckingham Palace official stressing that the correct term being “Mam” - that rhymes with ham. I soon quashed that terminology when I dreamt one night that I greeted her with “Good afternoon, Ham”!! Dame Mary visited us the day before the royal party and she stressed that The Queen loved children and animals, therefore she would spend four minutes with us to discuss our work. Four minutes, I thought—is all this preparation worth four minutes? I can now confirm that those four minutes without doubt were the longest four minutes of my life!! As The Queen was introduced to me, all my rehearsed formalities went out the window, as I took her hand and said, “Good afternoon and how are you today?”. The smile that beamed from this magnificent lady was so contagious and soon we were chatting away as though we were best of friends. What probably surprised me most of all was her genuine interest in the work that Dawn and I have created at Longdown over the years. She enquired on the work that we have done with special needs children and adults, and told us that it’s important that we continue the good work. The visit was unrushed and she spent time watching the children bottle-feeding the goat kids and holding chicks and rabbits. Charley presented The Queen with a picture that she had drawn. As she studied it, she bent down and said, “That’s wonderful”. Charley was overwhelmed. Prince Philip was interested in the micro pigs—”Who on earth would want one of these as a pet?”, he asked. When I replied, “the rich and famous”, he made it clear they must be mad. Someone pointed out that you can get “mini chops” from them and with that Prince Philip burst into laughter, commenting that it would be ideal for those on a diet.
As it was the last Official Engagement of the Jubilee Tour, Dawn and I and all the staff at Longdown Activity Farm were flattered and highly honoured that The Queen spent those four minutes with us in recognition of the work that we do at Longdown. Alan Titchmarsh, the Show President, spent a long time at our farm display, and along with his wife, Alison, we shared our passion in educating our children. My favourite quote for this week:- A young five year old was so excited to hear that I had met The Queen that he asked me, “Farmer Bryan, if you marry The Queen, will you become King Farmer Bryan?”